105 East Fourth Ave Goodhue, MN 55027 Mail: Box 141 Goodhue, Mn 55027 Museum Hours: June 1st - September 1st Thursday 1-4:00 Sunday 1-4:00 |
The idea of a historical society in Goodhue was born when Leonard and Rose Mary Lodermeier and Alvin and Grace Dicke took a trip to Branson, Missouri. On the way, the men discussed the advantage and need of having an agricultural museum in Goodhue to preserve our rich agricultural heritage. When they returned they met with Pastor Randal Kuznicki and the Goodhue Historical Society became reality. The initial organizational meeting was held on January 17, 1995 and the society was incorporated on March 14, 1995. From 1995 to 2003 the organization conducted a number of activities in the community. A walking tour of the business district was written. Oral interviews of senior citizens were conducted. An annual historical tour was conducted. The first annual auction was conducted in 1998 and has been our main fund raiser ever since. On March 12, 2003 the membership voted to build a museum and authorized the Board of Directors to spend up to $150,000. A fund drive was conducted from April 1, 2003 to December 1, 2005. Over 1600 letter were sent and many local contacts were made. The initial fund drive raised enough capital that the ground breaking ceremony was held on April 7, 2005. At the annual meeting in March of 2013 the membership again voted to add an addition to the south side of the existing museum. This addition would double the size of the facility. The building was erected in 2014 and 2015 after funding raising. A dedication of the completed addition to the museum took place in July of 2016. To make an appointment to visit at other times call: 923-4629, 923-4870, 923-4302, 923-5117 Museum is completely handicapped accessible. |